More Than Just a Logo

The Nova Classical brand is a vital asset of our organization. Our brand is more than just a logo, it speaks to who we are, and how we represent ourselves, and is reflected in how others perceive and talk about us. Our brand is our promise to you. It demonstrates our commitment to provide our students with a classical education experience second to none. Our brand promise ties directly to our mission:

  • We promise to be an inclusive community with a shared commitment to an exceptional, foundational education.
  • We strive to cultivate thought and discipline around the mind and heart.
  • We take pride in our articulate and compassionate graduates as they are poised to engage as thoughtful global citizens.

Our brand is represented by the Nova Classical Academy logomark for our school. The torch of knowledge resting on an Ionic Greek column represents the classical tradition based on illumination, enlightenment, and hope. The flame symbolizes the light of spirit and the awakening of the mind. The colors – with our traditional Nova burgundy as the base – were chosen to instill a sense of motivation, intention, approachability and responsiveness. This unique mark represents the energy of our students and helps set us apart as a special place to learn and grow.

Nova Classical Brand Style Guide PreviewDownload

The Nova Classical Academy logomark is the logo for all three schools within the Academy: The School of Grammar, The School of Logic, and The School of Rhetoric, and its educational programs. A style guide has been created for print and digital applications to maintain the integrity of the Nova Classical Academy logo.

The Nova Knights logomark is the logo for all athletics and extracurricular activities at all three Nova Schools. Before creating a product with the Nova Knights logomark, please contact: Nova Athletics Director Chris Rovn,

Nova Classical Logos (Horizontal)Download
Nova Classical Logos (Stacked)Download
Knight Head Icon (Black)Download
Nova Classical logo - no tagline
Nova Classica Logo - Stacked
Nova Knights icon

Please refer to the Nova Classical Academy Brand Style Guide for proper use of the Nova Classical Academy logo. Nova Classical students, staff, coaches and parents may request the use of a logo from Brett Wedlund, Executive Director,

External entities that would like to request use of our logos may also reach out to or call (651) 209-6320. Our logos are available in multiple formats, including web-safe and vector. For commercial printing and other high resolution needs, please send an email request to for EPS or PDF files. 

Nova Classical Logos (Horizontal)Download
Nova Classical Logos (Stacked)Download
Knight Head Icon (Black)Download
Nova Classical logo - no tagline
Nova Classica Logo - Stacked

Best Practice Font Usage

The wordmark font is to be treated as a piece of artwork. It is based on a highly identifiable font that complements the logomark. This font is an updated and modern twist on a classical serif yet simple enough to complement the clean graphic logomark. This font has been customized and is only to be used as the wordmark and in the logomark creating a standalone unique identity for Nova Classical Academy.

Adobe Garamond is the recommended serif font to be used to complement the font in the logo type. (The logo font is customized.)

The Tagline is in Helvetica Neue. Helvetica Neue is an easy-to-read, modern sans serif font from a robust font family. Helvetica Neue is the recommended complementary sans serif font to be used for body copy in printed materials. Source Sans Pro is the recommended font for digital body copy.

Nova brand font usage

Best Practice Color Usage

The brand colors are Nova Classical burgundy with solid granite gray for the column. The flame is a combination of burnt umber and gold highlights for an illuminating torch of knowledge. The word Academy is in gray adding depth and separation from Nova Classical name which is the central focus.

The Nova Classical Academy logo color palette was chosen based on Nova Burgundy to reflect Nova Classical Academy’s Brand Personality: Motivating, Encouraging | Thoughtful, Intentional | Approachable, Responsive | Stimulating, Energetic

Nova brand color usage

With this in mind, “Best Practice Color Uses” were established to provide guidelines when designing materials that incorporate the Nova Classical Academy logomark. Please adhere to the following:


Motivating, Encouraging

  • PMS: 195
  • CMYK: 19, 90, 50, 55
  • RGB: 122, 48, 63
  • WEB: #7a303f

Thoughtful, Intentional

  • PMS: Cool Gray 8
  • CMYK: 23, 16, 13, 46
  • RGB: 116, 118, 121
  • WEB: #747679

Approachable, Responsive

  • PMS: 7412
  • CMYK: 2, 58, 96, 10
  • RGB: 213, 131, 50
  • WEB: #d58332

Stimulating, Energetic

  • PMS: 143
  • CMYK: 0, 32, 87, 0
  • RGB: 246, 180, 54
  • WEB: #f6b436

Any complementary colors should be used with discretion — keep it simple!

Avoid a busy pallete to allow the Nova Classical Academy logo to take center stage.


  • ACCENT COLOR: Black Night
  • Black is used for the tagline and is to be used as a secondary accent color. In print applications,
  • Black should be set to Rich Black: 60C, 40M, 40Y, 100K.

For more font and color use information refer to the Brand Style Guide

One of the key elements in developing and maintaining a strong brand is consistency. Every communication should consistently reinforce a positive brand impression. Our Brand Style Guide will help you represent Nova Classical Academy in a consistent and appropriate manner across all communications platforms and materials.

This Brand Style Guide is intended to provide guidance to internal Nova Classical staff members. External entities that would like to request use of the logos may reach out to Brett Wedlund, Executive Director,

Nova Classical Brand Style Guide PreviewDownload
Nova brand guide cover

Always follow the branding guideline rules especially refer to the Logo Do’s and Don’ts.

To ensure accuracy and to avoid any costly missteps, please contact the Executive Director, Brett Wedlund, prior to ordering outside printed materials or promotional products.

For commercial printing and other high-resolution needs, please send an email request to for EPS or PDF files.

All Nova Classical Academy staff should use the following guidelines for their district email account signatures. Items you must include:

  • Full name
  • Position
  • Building name (or Nova Classical Academy)
  • Phone number
  • Nova Classical Academy website URL:
  • Nova Classical tagline: Know Yourself. Know the World™
  • Optional: Building address (placed after building name) and cell phone or fax number (placed after office phone number)
  • Optional: Preferred pronouns (e.g. he/his, she/her, they/them)

Note: Please use the default font (Sans Serif, Normal size, black) in Gmail for your email signature.

Nova email signature example

For all media requests and inquiries, please contact Brett Wedlund, Executive Director,