Special Education at Nova Classical Academy

Nova Classical Academy offers Special Education and curriculum for English Language Learners.

Abby Kelley-Hands, Special Education Coordinator

Email: akelleyhands@novaclassical.org
Phone: 651-209-6320 x 239

Special Education

Nova Classical Academy is a public charter school. We offer special education services for students with a range of supports and services for a variety of disability areas. We use small group instruction, one-on-one service, indirect, and direct service. When appropriate, Nova Classical Academy contracts with related service providers for instruction in the following areas: Speech and Language Services, Occupational Therapy Services, Physical Therapy, Audiological Services, Vision Services, School Psychology Services, Early Childhood Specialist, Traumatic Brain Injury Specialist, Physical/Health Disabilities Instructor, Developmental Adaptive Physical Education and Social Work Services. 

What is Special Education? 

The focus of special education is to ensure a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for eligible students identified to have a disability and who are in need of individualized and specially designed instruction. This instruction is designed to meet the unique needs of a student with a disability through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Who can receive Special Education? 

Students must meet specific criteria set by the State of Minnesota and the Federal Government to receive special education services. The student will need to demonstrate that their disability impacts their academic achievement. Eligibility determination occurs through a comprehensive evaluation conducted by the school. If you have concerns about your student’s development you are encouraged to talk with your student’s teacher about your concerns.

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meets once a year. SEAC (pronounced “seek”) is a group that provides input on special education issues, it’s purpose is to advise and advocate not decide policy. Nova Classical Academy SEAC is for all parents/families/guardian(s) of students who either have an IEP, a 504 or are interested in a discussion to seek information and/or resources regarding these. 

Restrictive Procedures

TSES Plan for Nova Classical Academy

In accordance with Minnesota  Rule 3525.1100, this document serves as the Total Special Education System (TSES) Plan for Nova Classical Academy. The TSES is a summary of Nova’s policy and procedures related to special education services.