College & Career Preparation Services

School Counselors are educators with a mental health perspective that makes them uniquely qualified to address students’ academic, social/emotional, and college and career needs.

School Counselors provide students equitable access to a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate school counseling program focused on academic success, personal and social development, and college and career readiness.

Mikayla Voelker, School Counselor (9th-12th)

Phone: 651-209-6320, Ext. 306


Access Nova’s Naviance website
11th Grade College Exploration and Postsecondary Planning PresentationPreviewDownload
11th Grade Meeting ChecklistPreviewDownload
12th Grade Meeting ChecklistPreviewDownload
12th Grade College Application ChecklistPreviewDownload
12th Grade College Application Process PresentationPreviewDownload
Nova Graduation Requirements and Postsecondary PlanningPreviewDownload
NACAC College Planning Checklist and TimelinePreviewDownload

PSEO Information

PSEO AgreementPreviewDownload
PSEO Checklist 2023-24PreviewDownload
NOSR Form 2023-24 Digital SignPreviewDownload
PSEO General Links and Higher Education Institution LinksPreviewDownload
PSEO Information Night PresentationPreviewDownload

Financial Aid

Minnesota Office of Higher Education

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

College Board/CSS Profile Assistance

CSS Profile FAQs


Scholarships offered by Minnesota Colleges and Universities

Nova Classical Academy Raise Me

The MN College Grants and Scholarships Database